Cenozoic ecosystem dynamics in Europe deduced from arachnids preserved in amber
We are using arachnid fossils preserved in European Eocene/Oligocene (Baltic, Bitterfeld and Rovno) ambers for ecosystem and climate reconstructions. Using detailed morphological and statistical analyses, we are documenting the arachnid faunas in the different amber types and test four hypotheses concerning the ecosystems the ambers originated in, comprising four aspects: a) diversity and community composition within the main European ambers, b) differences between the different amber types, c) effect of ecosystem shifts and climate variability from the Cretaceous until today from an arachnid perspective, and d) evolutionary trends and biogeographical scenarios that can be deduced from the amber fauna communities. This project provides information for understanding the effects of ecosystem and climate variability on European arthropod faunas, and the habitats they inhabited over time.
Team: Dr. Danilo Harms, Dr. Ulrich Kotthoff, Dr. Jörg Hammel (DESY), Dr. Yvonne Milker (UHH), PD, Dr. Peter Michalik (University of Greifswald), Dr. Jason Dunlop (Zoologisches Museum, Berlin), Dr. Mark S. Harvey (Western Australian Museum, Perth)
Funding Body: German Research Council (DFG).