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20.02.2025: Dr. Sarah Lemer
Scientific Head of the Molecular Laboratory - Angebot nur auf Englisch!
Are you curious about the incredible diversity of life in tropical coral reefs? Do you wonder what fascinating animals inhabit these ecosystems and how they interact with one another?
Join us as Dr. Sarah Lemer, a marine biologist with two decades of experience, takes us on a journey into the vibrant world of coral reefs. Dr. Lemer will share her expertise in using genetics to uncover, understand, and protect marine biodiversity. Whether you are an aspiring scientist or simply fascinated by the ocean, Dr. Lemer will answer your questions about coral reef life and offer insight into pursuing a career in marine biology.
Jeden 3. Donnerstag im Monat, ab 18:30 Uhr
Museum der Natur Hamburg - Zoologie
Unerzählte Geschichten - Forschung & mehr
4 €
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