- Katrin Weber, Daniela E. Winkler, Ellen Schulz-Kornas, Thomas M. Kaiser, Thomas Tütken (2022) Post-mortem enamel surface texture alteration during taphonomic processes—do experimental approaches reflect natural phenomena? PeerJ 10(4):e12635, DOI: 10.7717/peerj.12635
- Krings W, Brütt J-O, Gorb SN (2022c) Elemental analyses reveal distinct mineralization patterns in radular teeth of various molluscan taxa. Sci. Rep. 12:7499.
- Krings W, Brütt, J-O, Gorb SN (2022a) Micro-cracks and micro-fractures reveal radular tooth architecture and its functional significance in the paludomid gastropod Lavigeria grandis. Accepted for publication at Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A.
- Ackermans N.L., Winkler D.E., Schulz-Kornas E., Kaiser T.M., Martin L., Clauss M., and Hatt J.-M. (2021) Dental wear proxy correlation in a long-term feeding experiment on sheep (Ovis aries) (2021). Journal of The Royal Society Interface 18(180):20210139.
- Weber K., Winkler D.E., Schulz-Kornas E., Kaiser T.M., Tütken T. (2021) The good, the bad and the ugly -A visual guide for common post-mortem wear patterns in vertebrate teeth. Palaeo3 DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2021.110577
- Winkler D.E., Clauss M., Rölle M., Schulz-Kornas E., Codron D. (2021) Dental microwear texture gradients in guinea pigs reveal that material properties of the diet affect chewing behaviour. Journal of Experimental Biology 224(13). DOI: 10.1242/jeb.242446
- Klesser R., Jessen F., Ringenberg J., Preuß M., Kaiser T.M., Husemann M. (2021) Return of the walking dead: First verified record of the shrew Crocidura leucodon (Hermann, 1780) in Hamburg, Germany. Evolutionary Systematics. 5 2021, 121–128. DOI: 10.3897/evolsyst.5.67302
- Bethune E., Schulz-Kornas E., Lehnert C., Siebert U., Kaiser T.M. (2021) Tooth Microwear Texture in the Eastern Atlantic Harbour Seals (Phoca vitulina vitulina) of the German Wadden Sea and Its Implications for Long Term Dietary and Ecosystem Changes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9:644019. DOI: 10.3389/fevo.2021.644019
- Bemmann M., Schulz-Kornas E., Hammel J.U., Hipp A., Moosmann A., Herrel A., Rack A., Radespiel U., Zimmermann U., Kaiser T.M., Kupczik K. Movement analysis of primate molar teeth under load using synchrotron X-ray microtomography. Journal of Structural Biology 213(1):107658. DOI: 10.1016/j.jsb.2020.107658
- Mau M., Johann A., Kaiser T.M., Südekum K.-H., (2021) Interaction between food, saliva, and tooth surface. In: Martin T, Koenigswald W, Mammalian Teeth - Form and Function. ISBN 978-3-89937-266-3. Dr. Friedrich Pfeil (81-86).
- Krings, W., Karabacak, H., Gorb, S.N., 2121. From the knitting shop: the first physical and dynamic model of the taenioglossan radula (Mollusca: Gastropoda) aids in unravelling functional principles of the radular morphology. Journal of the Royal Society Interface 18(182), 20210377.
Krings, W., Kovalev, A., Gorb, S.N., 2021. Collective effect of damage prevention in taenioglossan radular teeth is related to the ecological niche in Paludomidae (Gastropoda: Cerithioidea). Acta Biomaterialia. - Gorb, S.N., Krings, W., 2021. Mechanical property gradients of taenioglossan radular teeth are associated with specific function and ecological niche in Paludomidae (Gastropoda: Mollusca). Acta Biomaterialia.
- Krings, W., Neumann, C., Neiber, M.T., Kovalev, A., Gorb, S.N., 2021. Radular force performance of stylommatophoran gastropods (Mollusca) with distinct body masses. Scientific Reports 11, 10560.
- Krings, W., Hempel, C., Siemers, L., Neiber, M.T., Gorb, S.N., 2021. Feeding experiments on Vittina turrita (Mollusca, Gastropoda, Neritidae) reveal tooth contact areas and bent radular shape during foraging. Scientific Reports 11, 9556.
- Krings, W., Kovalev, A., Gorb, S.N., 2021. Influence of water content on mechanical behaviour of gastropod taenioglossan radulae. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 288, 2020317320203173. 3173.
- Schultz JA, Anders U, Braune C, Brinkkötter JJ, Calandra I, Engels S, Findeisen E, Gailer J-P, Hummel J, Jäger K, Kaiser TM, Kalthoff D, Koenigswald Wv, Kullmer O, Landwehr C, Mau M, Menz U, Ruf I, Schubert AM, Schulz-Kornas E, Schwermann AH, Schwermann L, Skiba M, Steuer P, Südekum K-H, Winkler DE, Martin T. (2020). A new wear facet terminology for mammalian dentitions. In: Martin T, Koenigswald W, Mammalian Teeth - Form and Function. ISBN 978-3-89937-266-3. Dr. Friedrich Pfeil (11-24).
- Winker DE, Marcé Nogué J, Kaiser TM (2020) Enamel ridge alignments in ungulates: a cut abov. In: Martin T, Koenigswald W, Mammalian Teeth - Form and Function. ISBN 978-3-89937-266-3. Dr. Friedrich Pfeil (125-170).
- Schulz-Kornas E, Kaiser TM, Calandra I, Winkler DE (2020). A brief history of quantitative wear analyses with an appeal for a holistic view on dental wear processes. DOI: 10.23788/mammteeth.03. In: Martin T, Koenigswald W, Mammalian Teeth - Form and Function. ISBN 978-3-89937-266-3. Dr. Friedrich Pfeil (44-53).
- Weber K, Winkler DE, Kaiser TM, Žigaitė Z, Tütken T (2020). Dental microwear texture analysis on extant and extinct sharks: Ante-or post-mortem tooth wear? Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 562. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.110147.
- Winkler, D.E., Tütken, T., Schulz-Kornas, E., Kaiser, T.M., Müller, J., Leichliter, J., Weber, K., Hatt, J.-M. & Clauss, M., 2020. Shape, size, and quantity of ingested external abrasives influence dental microwear texture formation in guinea pigs. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 117(36), DOI: 10.1073/pnas.2008149117.
- Winkler, D.E., Schulz-Kornas E, Kaiser TM, Codron D, Leichliter J, Hummel J, Martin L, Clauss M, Tütken T (2020). The turnover of dental microwear texture: Testing the” last supper” effect in small mammals in a controlled feeding experiment. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 557:109930. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109930.
- Hohl CJM, Codron D, Kaiser TM, Martin LF, Müller DWH, Hatt J-M, Clauss M (2020) Chewing, dental morphology and wear in tapirs (Tapirus spp.) and a comparison of free-ranging and captive specimens. PLoS One 15:e0234826
- Martin L, Krause L, Ulbricht A, Winkler DE, Codron D, Kaiser TM, Müller J, Hummel J, Clauss M. Hatt J-M, Schulz-Kornas E (2020) Dental wear at macro- and microscopic scale in rabbits fed diets of different abrasiveness: A pilot investigation. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 556:109886. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109886.
- Ackermans N, Martin L, Codon D, Hummerl J, Kircher P, Richter H, Kaiser TM, Clauss M, Hatt J-M (2020). Mesowear represents a lifetime signal in sheep (Ovis aries) within a long-term feeding experiment. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 553. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109793.
- Schulz-Kornas E, Winkler DE, Clauss M, Carlsson J, Ackermans N, Martin L, Hummerl J, Müller DWH, Hatt J-M, Kaiser TM (2020). Everything matters: Molar microwear texture in goats (Capra aegagrus hircus) fed diets of different abrasiveness. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 552:109783. DOI: 10.1016/j.palaeo.2020.109783.
- Marcé Nogué J, Püschel T, Daasch A, Kaiser TM (2020). Broad-scale morpho-functional traits of the mandible suggest no hard food adaptation in the hominin lineage. Scientific Reports 10(6793). DOI: 10.1038/s41598-020-63739-5.
- Herr H, Viquerat V, Devas F, Lees A, Wells L , Gregory B, Giffords T, Beecham D, MeyerB. Fin whale feeding aggregations suggest onset of population recovery 35 years after the end of commercial whaling in the Southern Ocean. Proceedings of the Royal Society B. (under review).
- Herr H, Viquerat S, Naujocks T, Gregory B, Lees A, Devas F. Life-history features of Antarctic fin whales documented by high-resolution aerial footage. Mammalian Biology (under review).
- Steiner NS, Bowman J, Campbell K, Chieric M, Eronen-Rasimus E, Falardeau M, Flores H, Fransson A, Herr H, Insley SJ, Kauko HM, Lannuzel D, Loseto L, Lynnes A, Majewski A, Meiners KM, Miller LA, Michel LN, Moreau S, Nacke M, Nomura D, Tedesco L, van Franeker JA, van Leeuwe MA, Wongpan P. Climate change impacts on sea-ice ecosystems and associated ecosystem services. Elementa (accepted).
- Kinze CC, Czeck R, Herr H, Siebert U. Cetacean strandings along the German North Sea Coastline 1604-2017. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom (accepted).
- Unger B, Herr H, Viquerat S, Gilles A, Burkhardt-Holm P, Siebert U (2020) Opportunistically collected data from aerial surveys reveal spatio-temporal distribution patterns of marine debris in German waters. Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28: 2893–2903. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-020-10610-9
- Herr, H (2020) Rückkehr der Finnwale in die Antarktis - 30 Jahre nach Beendigung des kommerziellen Walfangs. Biologie in unserer Zeit 50(5): 338-345.
- Herr H, Burkhardt-Holm P, Heyer K, Siebert U, Selling J. (2020) Epidermal conditions, injuries and malformations in cetaceans of the Strait of Gibraltar. Aquatic Mammals 46(2) 2015-235. DOI:10.1578/AM.46.2.2020.215
- Zupeng Zhou, Daniela E. Winkler, Josep Fortuny, Thomas M. Kaiser, Jordi Marcé-Nogué: Why ruminating ungulates chew sloppily: Biomechanics discern a phylogenetic pattern. PLoS ONE 04/2019; 14(4):e0214510., DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0214510
- Katrin Böhm, Daniela E. Winkler, Thomas M. Kaiser, Thomas Tütken: Post-mortem alteration of diet-related enamel surface textures through artificial biostratinomy: A tumbling experiment using mammal teeth. Palaeogeography Palaeoclimatology Palaeoecology 03/2019; 518., DOI:10.1016/j.palaeo.2019.01.008
- Daniela E Winkler, Ellen Schulz-Kornas, Thomas M Kaiser, Annelies De Cuyper, Marcus Clauss, Thomas Tütken: Forage silica and water content control dental surface texture in Guinea pigs and provide implications for dietary reconstruction. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 01/2019; 116(4)., DOI:10.1073/pnas.1814081116
- Nicole L Ackermans, Marcus Clauss, Daniela E. Winkler, Ellen Schulz-Kornas, Thomas M. Kaiser, Dennis Winfried Horst Müller, Patrick R. Kircher, Jürgen Hummel, Jean-Michel Hatt: Root growth compensates for molar wear in adult goats (Capra aegagrus hircus). Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A Ecological Genetics and Physiology 11/2018; DOI:10.1002/jez.2248
- Nicole L Ackermans, Daniela E. Winkler, Ellen Schulz-Kornas, Thomas M. Kaiser, Dennis Winfried Horst Müller, Patrick R Kircher, Jürgen Hummel, Marcus Clauss, Jean-Michel Hatt: Controlled feeding experiments with diets of different abrasiveness reveal slow development of mesowear signal in goats ( Capra aegagrus hircus ). Journal of Experimental Biology 10/2018; 221:jeb.186411., DOI:10.1242/jeb.186411
- Larisa DeSantis, Mikael Fortelius, Frederick E. Grine, Christine Janis, Thomas M. Kaiser, Gildas Merceron, Mark A. Purnell, Ellen Schulz-Kornas, Juha Saarinen, Mark Teaford, Peter S. Ungar, Indrė Žliobaitė: The phylogenetic signal in tooth wear: What does it mean?. Ecology and Evolution 10/2018; 8(5)., DOI:10.1002/ece3.4541
- Thomas M. Kaiser, Caroline Braune, Gerhard Kalinka, Ellen Schulz-Kornas: Nano-indentation of native phytoliths and dental tissues: implications for herbivore-plant combat and dental wear proxies. 06/2018; 2(1):55-63., DOI:10.3897/evolsyst.2.22678
- Thomas A. Püschel, Jordi Marcé-Nogué, Thomas M. Kaiser, Robert J. Brocklehurst, William I. Sellers: Analyzing the sclerocarpy adaptations of the Pitheciidae mandible. American Journal of Primatology 04/2018; 80(7):e22759., DOI:10.1002/ajp.22759
- Ellen Schulz-Kornas, Caroline Braune, Daniela E. Winkler, Thomas M. Kaiser: Does silica concentration and phytolith ultrastructure relate to phytolith hardness?. 02/2018; 3(4):135-143., DOI:10.1016/j.bsbt.2017.12.004
- Jordi Marcé-Nogué, Thomas A. Püschel, Thomas M. Kaiser: A biomechanical approach to understand the ecomorphological relationship between primate mandibles and diet. Scientific Reports 7(1)., DOI:10.1038/s41598-017-08161-0
- IJsseldijk LL, van Neer A, Deaville R, Begeman L, van de Bildt M, van den Brand JMA, Brownlow A, Richard Czeck, Dabin W, ten Doeschate M, Vanessa Herder V, Herr H, Jooske IJzer J, Jauniaux T, Jensen LF, Jepson PD, Karen W, Lakemeyer J, Lehnert K, Leopold MF, Osterhaus A, Perkins MW, Piatkowski U, Prenger-Berninghoff E, Pund R, Wohlsein P, Gröne A, Siebert, U. (2018) Beached bachelors: An extensive study on the largest recorded sperm whale Physeter macrocephalus mortality event in the North Sea. PLoS ONE 13(8): e0201221.
- Püschel TA, Marcé-Nogué J, Gladman JT, Bobe R, Sellers WI. Inferring locomotor behaviours in Miocene New World monkeys using finite element analysis, geometric morphometrics and machine-learning classification techniques applied to talar morphology. J R Soc Interface. 2018;15: 20180520. doi:10.1098/rsif.2018.0520
- Püschel TA, Marcé-Nogué J, Kaiser TM, Brocklehurst RJ, Sellers WI. Analyzing the sclerocarpy adaptations of the Pitheciidae mandible. Am J Primatol. 2018; e22759. doi:10.1002/ajp.22759
- Konietzko-Meier D, Gruntmejer K, Marcé-Nogué J, Bodzioch A, Fortuny J. Merging cranial histology and 3D-computational biomechanics: a review of the feeding ecology of a Late Triassic temnospondyl amphibian. PeerJ. 2018;6: e4426. doi:10.7717/peerj.4426
Publikationen (Peer-Review):
- Julia A. Schultz, Ulrike Menz, Daniela E. Winkler, Ellen Schulz-Kornas, Sandra Engels, Daniela C. Kalthoff, Wighart von Koenigswald, Irina Ruf, Thomas M. Kaiser, Ottmar Kullmer, Karl-Heinz Südekum & Thomas Martin (2017): Modular Wear Facet Nomenclature for mammalian post-canine dentitions, Historical Biology.
- Fortuny, Josep, Jordi Marcé-Nogué, and Dorota Konietzko-Meier. 2017. “Feeding Biomechanics of Late Triassic Metoposaurids (Amphibia: Temnospondyli): A 3D Finite Element Analysis Approach.” Journal of Anatomy 230(6):752–65.
- Kaiser, T. M., Gidna, A., Kwekason, A., Mabulla, A.Z.P., Manthi, F. K., Kgasi, L., Schulz-Kornas, E. and Tawane, M. (2017): Klimawandel als Antrieb der Menschlichen Evolution. In: Klimagewalten, Treibende Kraft der Evcolution. Metter, H. and Puttkammer, T. (eds.). Landesamt für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt (Halle), Theiss. 210-221.
- Schulz-Kornas E., Braune, C, Winkler D. E., Kaiser, T. M. (2017) Does silica concentration and phytolith ultrastructure relate to phytolith hardness? Biosurface and Biotribology.
- Marcé-Nogué, Jordi, Thomas A. Püschel, and Thomas M. Kaiser. 2017. “A Biomechanical Approach to Understand the Ecomorphological Relationship between Primate Mandibles and Diet.” Scientific Reports 7(1):8364. Retrieved (
- Zhou, Zupeng, Josep Fortuny, Jordi Marcé-Nogué, and Pavel P. Skutschas. 2017. “Cranial Biomechanics in Basal Urodeles: The Siberian Salamander (Salamandrella Keyserlingii) and Its Evolutionary and Developmental Implications.” Scientific Reports 7(1):10174. Retrieved (
- Marcé-Nogué, Jordi, Soledad De Esteban-Trivigno, Thomas A. Püschel, and Josep Fortuny. 2017. “The Intervals Method: A New Approach to Analyse Finite Element Outputs Using Multivariate Statistics.” PeerJ 5:e3793. Retrieved (
- De Estebean-Trivigno, S.; Cantalapiedra, J.L.; Marcé-Nogué, J.; Fortuny, J. “Evolutionary patterns of jaw shape and biomechanical performance in extant cingulates”. ESEB XVI Congress. Groningen (The Netherlands). 2017.
- Marcé-Nogué, J.; Gailer, J.P.; Kaiser, T.M. “Primate Chewing biomechanics: The perspective of the damage in foods”. SVP 2017. Calgary (Canada). 2017
- Marcé-Nogué, J.; Püschel, T.A. “Inferring locomotor behaviours in Miocene New World Monkeys: A comparative Finite Element Analysis of the platyrrhine talus” 15th EAVP. Munich (Germany). 2017
- Fortuny, J.; Marcé-Nogué, J.; Heiss, E.; Skutschas, P.; Konietzko-Meier, D.; Zhou, Z.; Steyer, J.S. “3D Computational Biomechanics Meets Amphibians: Ecomorphology And Evolutionary Implications”. 15th EAVP. Munich (Germany). 2017
- Esteve, J., Marcé-Nogué, J. “Origin of the dorsal facial sutures in trilobites”. 6th International Conference on Trilobites and their Relatives. Tallinn (Estonia). 2017
- Marcé-Nogué, J.; Püschel, T.A.; Kaiser, T.M “Hard food for stiffer jaws: A comparative Finite Element Analysis of different primate jaws”. AAPA 2017 Meeting. New Orleans (USA). 2017
- Püschel, T.A.; Marcé-Nogué, J.; Kaiser, T.M.; Brocklehurst, R.J.; Sellers, W.I. “Analyzing the Morpho-functional Consequences of Seed Predation in the Pitheciid lower Jaw using Finite Element Analysis and Geometric Morphometrics”. AAPA 2017 Meeting. New Orleans (USA). 2017.
- Pina, M.; DeMiguel, D.; Puigvert, F.; Marcé-Nogué, J.; Almécija, S.; Moyà-Solà, S. “Patellar response to knee flexion in the Miocene primates Epipliopithecus vindobonensis and Pierolapithecus catalaunicus”. AAPA 2017 Meeting. New Orleans (USA). 2017.
- Marcé-Nogué, J. “Hard food for stiffer jaws”. 44. Treffen des Arbeitskreises Wirbeltierpaläontologie. Münster (Germany). 2017.
Publikationen (Peer-Review)
- Gailer, J. P. , Calandra, I; Schulz-Kornas, E. and Kaiser, T. M. (2016). Morphology is not Destiny: Discrepancy between Form, Functionand Dietary Adaptation in Bovid Cheek Teeth. Journal of Mammalian Evolution. doi:10.1007/s10914-016-9325-1 (DFG-FOR 771#83).
- Winkler, D.E., Andrianasolo, T.H., Andriamandimbiarisoa, L., Ganzhorn, J.U., Rakotondranary, S.J., Kaiser, T.M., Schulz-Kornas, E., (2016) Tooth wear patterns in black rats (Rattus rattus) of Madagascar differ more in relation to human impact than to differences in natural habitats. Ecology and Evolution 6, 2205-2215.
- Calandra, I; Labonne Gaëlle; Schulz-Kornas, E.; Kaiser, T. M. and Montuire, S. (2016). Tooth wear as a means to quantify intra-specific variations in diet and chewing mechanics. Surf. Topogr. Nature, Scientific reports 6. doi:10.1038/srep34037 (DFG-FOR 771#86).
- Kaiser, T.M., Clauss, M. and E. Schulz-Kornas (2016). A set of hypotheses on tribology of mammalian herbivore teeth. Surf. Topogr.: Metrol. Prop. (DFG-FOR 771#80).
- Marcé-Nogué, J., de Esteban-Trivigno, S., Escrig, C., Gil, L., 2016. Accounting for differences in element size and homogeneity when comparing Finite Element models: Armadillos as a case study. Palaeontol. Electron. 19, 1–22.
- Fortuny, J., Marcé-Nogué, J., Steyer, J.-S., de Esteban-Trivigno, S., Mujal, E., Gil, L., 2016. Comparative 3D analyses and palaeoecology of giant early amphibians (Temnospondyli: Stereospondyli). Sci. Rep. 6, 30387. doi:10.1038/srep30387.
- Fortuny, J. et al. “Hunting in the Late Triassic: insights on the ambush strategy of the metoposaurs (Temnospondyli: Stereospondyli)”. International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology. Washinton DC. 2016.
- Luján, À. et al. “Feeding in Testudines: A Finite Element and parametric analysis of a tortoise skull”. International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology. Washinton DC. 2016.
- Tambuso, S. et al. “3D finite element analysis of lower jaws in glyptodonts”. International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology. Washinton DC. 2016.
- Marcé-Nogué, J. et al. “Primate chewing biomechanics revisited using Finite Element Analysis of the mandible”. International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology. Washinton DC. 2016.
- S. De Esteban-Trivigno, S. et al.”Early dietary, jaw shape and biomechanical performance differentiation in the evolution of armadillos (Xenarthra: Cingulata)”. International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology. Washinton DC. 2016.
- Marcé-Nogué, J. et al. “Biomechanical traits of carnivorous jaws with Finite Element Methods”. XIV Annual Meeting of the EAVP. Haarlem (the Netherlands). 2016.
- Marcé-Nogué, J. et al. “Biomechanics as a predictor of enamel thickness in extinct primates”. XIV Annual Meeting of the EAVP. Haarlem (the Netherlands). 2016.
- Gruntmejer, K. et al. “Comparative of histology and three-dimensional computer analysis of Metoposaurus krasiejowensis (Amphibia, Temnospondyli) skull biomechanics”. XIV Annual Meeting of the EAVP. Haarlem (the Netherlands). 2016.
- S. De Esteban-Trivigno, S. et al. “Exploring shape change and biomechanics in Carnivora jaw: preliminary results”. XIV Annual Meeting of the EAVP. Haarlem (the Netherlands). 2016.
- S. De Esteban-Trivigno, S. et al. “Combining Geometric morphometrics with Finite Elements Analysis in armadillos”. Iberian Symposium on Geometric Morphometrics. Madrid. 2016. (url)
- Marcé-Nogué, J. Primate chewing biomechanics revisited. 43 Treffen des Arbeitskreises Wirbeltierpaläontologie. Burg Lichtenberg, Thallichtenberg (Germany). 2016.
Publikationen (Peer-Review)
- Fortuny, J. [et al.] 3D bite modeling and feeding mechanics of the largest living amphibian, the Chinese Giant Salamander Andrias davidianus (Amphibia, Urodela). Plos One. 2015.
- Gil. LL. [et al.] Insights into the controversy over materials data for the comparison of biomechanical performance in vertebrates. Paleontologia electronica. 2015.
- Kaiser, T.M., Clauss, M. and E. Schulz-Kornas (2015). A set of hypotheses on tribology of mammalian herbivore teeth. Surf. Topogr.: Metrol. Prop. (DFG-FOR 771#80).
- Marcé-Nogué, J. [et al.] 3D computational mechanics elucidate the evolutionary implications of orbit position and size diversity of early amphibians. Plos One. 2015
- Marcé-Nogué, J. [et al.] Coupling Finite Element Analysis and Multibody System Dynamics for biological research. Paleontologia electronica. 2015.
- Marcé-Nogué, J. [et al.] Improving mesh generation in Finite Element Analysis for functional morphology approaches. Spanish Journal of Palaeontology. 2015.
- Serrano-Fochs, S. [et al.] Finite Element Analysis of the Cingulata jaw an ecomorphological approach to armadillo’s diet. Plos One. 2015.
- Winkler, D.E. & T.M. Kaiser (2015). Structural morphology of molars in large mammalian herbivores: Enamel content varies between tooth positions. PLoS ONE 10(8): e0135716.
- Winkler, D., and T. M. Kaiser (2015) Uneven distribution of enamel in the tooth crown of a Plains Zebra (Equus quagga). PeerJ 83 3:e1002; DOI 10.7717/peerj.1002 (DFG-FOR 771#76).
- Kaiser, T. M. (2015) Eine kurze Naturgeschichte der Zähne. Das Dentale. In: Böhme, H., Kordass, B. und Slominski, B. (Hrsg.). Quintessenz – ISBN 978-3-86867-297-8.
- Schliemann, H. (2015). "Integument und Anhangsorgane" in W. Westheide & G. Rieger (eds.): Spezielle Zoologie, Teil 2: Wirbel- oder Schädeltiere, 3. Auflage, 2015, 15 - 31.
- Schliemann, H. (2015). 2. "Carnivora, Raubtiere" in W. Westheide & G. Rieger (eds.): Spezielle Zoologie, Teil 2: Wirbel- oder Schädeltiere, 3. Auflage, 2015, 638 - 660.
- Marcé-Nogué, J., Esteban-Trivigno, S. de, Escrich, C., Fortuny, J., Gil, L. and T.M. Kaiser (2015). Comparative methodologies to study the biomechanical traits of the mammal lower jaw using Finite Element Methods. 89th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology. Hannover (Talk).
- Marcé-Nogué, J. J. Marcé-Nogué, S. de Esteban-Trivigno, C. Escrich, J. Fortuny, L. Gil and T.M. Kaiser (2015). Comparative methodologies to study the biomechanical traits of the mammal lower jaw using Finite Element Methods. 89th Annual Meeting of the German Society for Mammalian Biology. Hannover (Germany). 2015.
- Fortuny J, Marcé-Nogué J. (2015) Modelling stress in the skull of salamanders (Amphibia:Caudata). I Jornada Científica del departament de Biologia Animal, Biologia vegetal i Ecologia. Cernayola del Vallès.