Dirk Neumann
Sammlungsmanagement, Abteilung Wirbeltiere + Wirbellose
List of publications, submissions and reports
Meier JI, McGee MD, Marques DA, Mwaiko S, Kishe M, Wandera S, Neumann D, Mrosso H, Chapman LJ, Chapman CA, Kaufman L, Taabu-Munyaho A, Wagner CE, Bruggmann R, Excoffier L, Seehhausen O (2023) Cycles of fusion and fission enabled rapid parallel adaptive radiations in African cichlids. Science 381(6665) / DOI: 10.1126/science.ade2833
Schedel FDB, Chakona A, Sidlauskas BL, Popoola MO, Usimesa Wingi N, Neumann D, Vreven EJWMN, Schliewen UK (2022) New phylogenetic insights into the African catfish families Mochokidae and Austroglanididae. Journal of Fish Biology: 1–16. Link
Neumann D, Carter J, Simmons JE, Crimmen O (2022) Best Practices in the Preservation and Management of Fluid Preserved Biological Collections. Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections. 184p. Link
Moritz T, Straube N, Neumann D (2019) The Garra species (Cyprinidae) of the Main Nile basin with description of three new species. Cybium 43(4): 311-329. Link
Moritz T, El Dayem ZN, Abdallah MA & Neumann D (2019) New and rare records of fishes from the White Nile in the Republic of the Sudan Cybium 43(2): 137-151. Link
Neumann D, Borisenko AV, Coddington JA, Häuser CL, Butler CR, Casino A, Vogel JC, Haszprunar G & Giere P (2017) Global biodiversity research tied up by juridical interpretations of access and benefit sharing. Organisms Diversity & Evolution 18(1): 1-12. Link
Moritz T & Neumann D (2017) Description of Labeo latebra (Cyprinidae) from the Nile River in Sudan. Cybium 41(1): 25 – 33. Link
Neumann D, Obermaier H & Moritz T (2016) Annotated checklist for fishes of the Main Nile Basin in the Sudan and Egypt based on recent specimen records (2006-2015). Cybium 40(4): 287-317. Link
Knebelsberger T, Dunz AR , Neumann D & Geiger MF (2014) Molecular diversity of Germany’s freshwater fishes and lampreys assessed by DNA barcoding. Molecular Ecology Resources (2014) / doi: 10.1111/1755-0998.12322
Renner SC, Heynen I, Neumann D, Feit U, Giere P, Häuser C, Paulsch A, Paulsch C, Sterz M& Katrin Vohland K (2012) Im- und Export ornithologischer Proben aus den Tropen. Vogelwarte 50, 2012: 21 – 36.
Renner SC, Neumann D & Burkart M, Feit U, Giere P, Gröger A, Paulsch A, Paulsch C, Sterz M & Vohland K. (2012) Import and export of biological samples from tropical countries–considerations and guidelines for research teams. Organisms Diversity Evolution 12(1) / DOI 10.1007/s13127-012-0076-4.
Neumann D (2011) Type Catalogue of the Ichthyological Collection of the Zoologische Staatssammlung München. Part II: Fish types inventoried after 25 April 1944. Spixiana 34 (2): 231-286. PDF
Neumann D, Stiassny MLJ & Schliewen UK (2011) Two new sympatric Sarotherodon species (Pisces: Cichlidae) endemic to Lake Ejagham, Cameroon, west-central Africa, with comments on the Sarotherodon galilaeus species complex. Zootaxa 2765: 1-20.
Neumann D (2010) Preservation of freshwater fishes in the field (Chapter 22). In: Eymann J, Degreef J, Häuser Ch, Monje JC, Samyn Y & van den Spiegel D (Eds) Manual on field recording techniques and protocols for All Taxa Biodiversity Inventories and Monitoring. ABC Taxa, Vol 8, part 2: 587-631. Link
Neumann D (2006) Type Catalogue of the Ichthyological Collection of the Zoologische Staatssammlung München. Part I: Historic type material from the “Old Collection”, destroyed in the night 24/25 April 1944. Spixiana 29(3): 259-285.
Non-peer reviewed publications, submissions and project related reports
Elbing K & Neumann D (2023) – Submission of views to the European Commission, DG ENV .F.3, Global Environmental Cooperation & Multilateralism on the new Brochure and Fact Sheet for the research sector to support compliance with the ABS regulation of the EU on behalf of the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF), ), the German Life Sciences Association (VBIO), and the Consortium of the Deutsche Naturwissenschaftliche Forschungssammlungen (DNFS e.V.). 61 pages.
Neumann D (2023) - Submission of views on issues for further consideration for digital sequence information on genetic resources on CBD Notification 2023-003 on behalf of the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF). 1-7. Link
Neumann D & Carter J (2023) – Submission of views on issues for further consideration for digital sequence information on genetic resources on CBD Notification 2023-003 on behalf of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC). 1-10. Link
Sommerwerk N, Elbing K & Neumann D (2023) – Submission of views on issues for further consideration for digital sequence information on genetic resources on CBD Notification 2023-003 ) on behalf of the Leibniz Research Network Biodiversity (LVB), the German Life Sciences Association (VBIO), the Consortium of the Deutsche Naturwissenschaftliche Forschungssammlungen (DNFS e.V.), and the National Research Data Infrastructure Germany (NFDI) (NFDI). 1-10. Link
Borsch T, Elbing K & Neumann D (2023) – Submission of views on the new German National Strategy 2030 (NBS) on Biodiversity on behalf of the Consortium of the Deutsche Naturwissenschaftliche Forschungssammlungen (DNFS e.V.) and the German Life Sciences Association (VBIO). 1-6.
Neumann D & Godt Ch (2021) Postkolonialismus mit Daten – Scheitert die UN-Konvention am Management der Gen-Ressourcen? Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung 7, Nr. 119, 26 Mai 2021: N1.
Neumann D & Casino A (2021) Proposed goals and targets in the updated zero draft of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework– Submission of views and comments for the twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 24) on behalf of the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF). 1-8. Link
Misof B & Neumann D (2021) Proposed goals and targets in the updated zero draft of the post-2020 global biodiversity framework– Submission of views and comments for the twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 24) on behalf of the Deutsche Naturwissenschaftliche Forschungssammlungen (DNFS e.V.). 1-9. Link
Cersoy S, Simmons JE, Carter J, Neumann D, Herbin M & Rouchon V (2020) Preservation of Natural History Wet Collections: Feedback and Prospects: Proceedings of a Conference at the French Natural History Museum, 5-7 December 2018. Collection Forum 34(1): 1-10. Link
Neumann D, Lyal Ch & Casino A (2020) Draft monitoring framework for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework – Submission of views and comments for the twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 24) on behalf of the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF). 1-17. Link
Mayer P, Neumann D, Carson S & Ellwood L (2020) Draft monitoring framework for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework – Submission of views and comments for the twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 24) on behalf of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC). 1-16. Link
Elbing K & Neumann D (2020) Draft monitoring framework for the post-2020 global biodiversity framework – Submission of views and comments for the twenty-fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Scientific, Technical and Technological Advice (SBSTTA 24) on behalf of the German Life Sciences Association (VBIO) and the Consortium of the Deutsche Naturwissenschaftliche Forschungssammlungen (DNFS e.V.). 1-18. Link
Thiers B, Carson S & Neumann D (2020) Study related to Article 10 of the Nagoya Protocol Identify Specific Cases of Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge Associated with Genetic Resources that Occur in Transboundary Situations or for Which it is not Possible to Grant or Obtain Prior Informed Consent – Submission of views to the CBD Secretariate on behalf of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC). 1-7. Link
Casino A, Lyal Ch, & Neumann D (2020) Study related to Article 10 of the Nagoya Protocol Identify Specific Cases of Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge Associated with Genetic Resources that Occur in Transboundary Situations or for Which it is not Possible to Grant or Obtain Prior Informed Consent – Submission of views to the CBD Secretariate on behalf of the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF). 1-12. Link
Neumann D & Thiers B (2019) Digital sequence information on genetic resources – concept and benefit-sharing – Submission of views to the CBD Secretariate on behalf of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections (SPNHC). 1-7. Link
Lyal Ch, Seberg O, Casino A, Seger H, Johannessen LE, Nivart A, Giere P, & Neumann D (2019) Digital sequence information on genetic resources – concept and benefit-sharing – Submission of views to the CBD Secretariate on behalf of the Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities (CETAF). 1-6. Link
Elbing K, Häuser Ch, Sommerwerk N, Overmann J, Haszprunar G, Natzer E, Giere P, Scholz A, Premke-Kraus M & Neumann D (2019) Digital sequence information on genetic resources – concept and benefit-sharing – Joint submission of views to the CBD Secretariate on behalf of the Associations Deutsche Naturwissenschaftlichen Sammlungen (DNFS), Verband Biologie, Biowissenschaften & Biomedizin in Deutschland (VBio) & Leibniz Verbund Biodiversität (LVB). 1-7. Link
Neumann D (2018) Application for Acknowledgement of Best Practice under Article 8 of Regulation (EU) No 511/2014: The CETAF Code of Conduct & Best Practice. In: Feit U, Greiber T & Karger E (Ed) Second Meeting of the European Competent National Authorities Implementing the Nagoya Protocol and the Corresponding EU Regulation – Final Report. BfN-Skripten 515: 71-78. Link
Löhne C, Giere P, & Neumann D (2018) Legal and Ethical Challenges: From Collection Management to Access and Benefit-Sharing. In: Beck LA (Ed) Zoological Collections of Germany: 37-47. Springer, Cham. Link
Davis K & Neumann D (2016) ABS for DNA Barcoders, Part 1: Alphabet Soup. Barcode Bulletin 7 (1): 6-7. Full-size PDF Reduced PDF
Neumann D & Davis K (2016) ABS for DNA Barcoders, Part 2: Recipes for Compliance. Barcode Bulletin 7 (2): 10-11. Full size PDF Reduced PDF
Bodegård J, Casino A, Giere P, Lyal C, Löhne C, Neumann D, Nivart A, Rey I & Williams C (2015) CETAF Code of Conduct & best Practices for ABS (Access & Benefit Sharing). Consortium of European Taxonomic Facilities AISBL, Brussels: 1-74. Link
Giere P, Löhne C, Häuser Ch, Neumann D (2015) ABS jeht mir nüscht an – denkste! Was Forscher bei der Umsetzung des Nagoya-Protokolls und zum „Access and Benefit Sharing“ in der EU beachten müssen. GfBS Newsletter 30: 12-16. Link
Neumann D, Lyal CHC, Bodegård J, Löhne C, Casino A, Nivart A, Williams C & Giere P (2014) Access and Benefit Sharing – global implications for biodiversity research, collections and collection management arising from the Nagoya Protocol. SPNHC Connection 28 (2): 40-42. Link
Neuhaus A, Allspach A, Bartsch P, Burckhardt D, Coleman CO, Fries I, Fuchs R, Gudo M, Kotrba M, Mentjes M, Moore S, Neumann D, Oberer C, Potthast A, Riedel J, Rudolf R, Schnalke, Schönbohm D, Schuda M, van Dam A, Widulin N (2011) KUR-Projekt: Aufbau und öffentliche Kommunikation eines wissenschafts-basierten Sammlungsmanagements für naturkundliche Nasssammlungen. doi10.5165hawk-hhgepublication44. Siehe www.hornemann-institut.de/german/epubl_projekte116.php
Löhne C, Casino A, Bodegård J, Lyal CHC, Nivart A, Williams C, Giere P & Neumann D (2014) The Nagoya Protocol on Access and Benefit-Sharing: The concept, its implementation and its relevance for Natural History Collections and researchers. Abstracts, 29th annual meeting of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, Cardiff: 31-32. Link…
Giere P, Casino A, Bodegård J, Löhne C, Lyal CHC, Nivart A, Williams C & Neumann D (2014) The European ABS legislation and its national implementation across the EU – implications for Natural History Collections in Europe and beyond. Abstracts, 29th annual meeting of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, Cardiff: 24 Link…
Neumann D, Lyal CHC, Bodegård J, Löhne C, Casino A, Nivart A, Williams C & Giere P (2014) Access and Benefit Sharing – global implications for biodiversity research, collections and collection management arising from the Nagoya Protocol. Abstracts, 29th annual meeting of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, Cardiff: 36 Link…
Neumann D (2004) Morphological and molecular diversity of Sarotherodon galilaeus multifasciatus (Pisces: Cichlidae) in Lake Bosumtwi, Ghana – with preliminary data on the phylogeography of the genus Sarotherodon. Diplomarbeit.
Schliewen UK, Herder F, Neumann D, Seehausen O & Tobler M (2005) Voraussetzungen für die Publikation von Erstbeschreibungen in Aquarienzeitschriften. DATZ 58 (5): 20-21.
Neumann D, Schliewen UK (2008) Projekt “Erfassung der Fischartenvielfalt inBayern” Abstr 6. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Ichthyologie, München, Deutschland, 42-43.
Neumann D, Stock B, Kotrba M (2009) Effect of the denaturing agent MEK (methyl-ethyl-ketone) on collection jars. Abstracts, 24th annual meeting of the Society for the Preservation of Natural History Collections, Leiden: 59.
Unveröffentlichte Berichte
Schliewen UK, Neumann D (2008) „Erfassung der Fischartenvielfalt Bayerns in der ZSM.“ Endbericht zum Projekt „Erfassung der bayerischen Fischartenvielfalt (Projekt 203)“, 1-128.