News (2020)3 November 2020|AusstellungSpecial exhibition 2021: "Eocene. At the beginning of our world"Photo: CeNak/UHH, Paran PourIn every end lies a new beginning. In the special exhibition planned for 2021, "Eocene. At the Beginning of Our World" planned for 2021, we will enter...3 September 2020|AusstellungNavigation through the diversity of lifePhoto: UHH/CeNak, GerischDoes the earwig really pinch the auricle? And how dangerous is the death's-head cockroach? That both insects are completely harmless will soon be...25 August 2020|AusstellungBaby seal holds the fort for "AntjePhoto: Holger Schmidhuber © VG Bild Bonn "Antje" goes on a journey. The city-famous lady walrus is moving temporarily to the Kunsthalle. Here she can be seen from September 4 as the center...26 June 2020|News„Der Weg ist frei für ein neues Hamburger Naturkundemuseum“Photo: Sebastian EngelsHeute hat die Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz (GWK) des Bundes und der Länder entschieden, dass das Centrum für Naturkunde (CeNak) der Universität...Contribution from the university's newsroom11 May 2020|NewsDecision for a new natural history museumPhoto: UHH, RZZ/MCC, MentzHamburg is getting a new natural history museum. This decision was announced by Science Senator Katharina Fegebank on Friday evening, May 8, 2020, at...17 April 2020|InterviewPreparing for the new start: a look behind the museum doorsPhoto: Foto: UHH/CeNak, BeinIt has also become lonely for Antje the walrus and Smilla the polar bear. The Zoological Museum is currently closed due to the Corona pandemic. But...27 February 2020|NewsThe Junior Academy as a guest at the Zoological MuseumPhoto: UHH/CeNak, SteinkrögerPupils become environmental activists. The reason for this is the "Young Academy" workshop at the Clara Grunwald School in Neuallermöhe. Children in...24 January 2020|NewsRecord number of visitors to the CeNak museumsPhoto: UHH/CeNak, ReissVisitor numbers at CeNak climbed to a record high last year. More and more children and adults want to experience the exhibitions at the Zoological...15 January 2020|NewsAction weekend StadtNatur 2020 with focus on "Naturally Hamburg"Photo: UHH/CeNak, GerischOn the trail of cuckoo bumblebees, asparagus chickens and quaking grass, animal and plant experts roam the green corners of Hamburg every year during...