Information on events
Participants in LIB events taking place outdoors in Hamburg are hereby requested to observe and comply with the relevant federal and state-specific species and nature conservation regulations. This applies in particular to all strictly protected species (Annex A of EC Regulation 338/97; Annex IV of the Habitats Directive RL 92/43/EEC and other species according to the Federal Species Protection Ordinance) according to the Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG, § 44 Para. 1 No. 2). It is prohibited to disturb animals and plants of strictly protected species by searching for their locations, nesting, breeding and refuge sites, and this also applies to photography, filming or similar activities, if this causes a significant disturbance. Apart from strictly protected species, this prohibition of disturbance also applies to all other breeding bird species. Furthermore, in nature conservation areas, the respective conservation area ordinances and their prohibitions must be observed. In nature reserves, paths may generally not be left and there is a ban on disturbing the wildlife living there. In addition, the Federal Hunting Act (BJG, § 19 a) must be observed. Here, too, there are prohibitions on disturbing wild animals - especially those whose existence is endangered or threatened - at their places of refuge, nesting, breeding or living by seeking them out, photographing them, filming them or similar actions.