The observation of species and ecosystems is one of LIB's basic tasks. Around the globe, but also on our doorstep in Hamburg, scientists are investigating how biotic communities in water, air and soil are changing and collecting extensive data in projects. Numerous projects also invite citizens to participate in surveys and thus actively contribute to the research and protection of natural habitats.
The LIB has all kinds of exciting things to offer for children, young people and adults. Whether it's guided tours through the museums' special exhibitions, age-appropriate tours in private groups for school classes and kindergartens or one-off expeditions as a birthday party - in the LIB's hands-on programme, our young and old guests become researchers themselves.
See something different for a change; something that does not correspond to the image of the typical "women's" or "men's" profession. That is the aim of the annual Girls' and Boys' Day. It offers middle school students the opportunity to immerse themselves in the everyday working life of certain professions.
LIB offers a variety of opportunities for those who want to orient themselves in a Voluntary Ecological Year (FÖJ) after school: Three FÖJ positions in different areas give young people between the ages of 16 and 25 insights into the work processes and structure of a scientific research institution.