- 61-096 Introduction to the Anatomy and Function of the Vertebrate Skeleton (2st. Lecture for the Bachelor module (since WS 2005/06; 2LD).
- 61-409 Morphology and Systematics of Vertebrates (2h. Lecture for the Master Module, since WS 2008/09; 0,7LD, together with PD. Dr. R. Thiel and Prof. Dr. A. Haas).
Block practicals, exercises and special courses:
- 06-01-MBIO-WA-1 Scientific work (since WS 2010/11; 1LD).
- 61-013 Zoological identification exercises (mammals) for the programme "Bachelor of Science in Biology". (Since SS 2006; 1LD).
- 61-097 Comparative Anatomy and Function of the Vertebrate Skeleton (2 weeks, since WS 05/06; 2LD).
- 61-411 Functional Morphology of Vertebrates for the programme "Master of Science in Biology". (Since WS 2008/09; 0.7LD, together with PD. Dr. R. Thiel and Prof. Dr. A. Haas).
- DZG-Workshop Morphology: 3D-Visualisation and -Analysis (together with Prof. Dr. A. Haas).
- Confocal 3-D scanning of surface microtextures. Occlusal surface analysis of selected ruminants. Generation of 3-D surface texture parameters, topography and roughness measurement (demonstration).
- Optical image analysis with Optimas (example: dental microwear analysis on occlusal acets of selected ruminant species).
- 3-D scanning of tooth and bone surfaces with desktop 3-D sacnner milling machine.
- GIS-based functional analysis of dental occlusal surfaces in primates.
- GIS based data extraction (example: shear edge geometries of herbivore teeth).
Senior seminars:
- 61-112 Palaeo- and Archaeozoology of Vertebrates (2st. seminar since SS 2006; 2LD).
- 61-410 Current topics in vertebrate morphology and systematics. (1st. Seminar for the Master Module, since WS 2008/09; 0,7LD, together with PD. Dr. R. Thiel and Prof. Dr. A. Haas).
- 14.432 Nutritional Biology of Mammals (2st. seminar WS 2005/6-WS 2008; 2LD).
- 61.903 Current Topics in Biology (since WS 08/09; 0.2LD).
- 61.482 Instruction in scientific work (since WS 07/08).
Project studies:
- Development of a classification scheme for usur sequences of braydonter molars. Project study Cand. Biol. Sascha Hess (summer semester 2008).
- Ontogenetic gradients in the food signal of the steppe zebra. Project study Cand. Biol. Fenia De Bruin (WS 2007/08).
- Sex segregation in the feeding behaviour of Alces alces: Cand. Biol. Daniela Winkler (SS 2007).
- Morphometric analysis of the metapodial isolated population of Asian Equidae. Cand. Biol. Jana Göing (WS 2007/08).
- Dental microwear pattern, feeding habits and niche partitioning of sympatric proboscidians from the Neogene of Europe. Project study Cand. Biol. Ivan Calandra (WS 2006/7). Supervision by Dr. Gildas Merceron.
- Diffferential microwear analysis of contoller-fed rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Cand. Biol. Vanessa Piotrowski (WS 2006/07).
- Dental microwear pattern and dietary habits of fossil meso-herbivores from Csakvar (Late Miocene of Hungary). Project study Cand. Biol. Jessica Weigand (WS 2006/07).
- 3-D fusion band morphometry of selected recent and fossil Artiodactyla. Project study Cand. Biol. Birte Hegemann (WS 2006/07).
- Comparative microwear analysis of sexual segregation in Alces alces, Cervus elaphus and Rupicapra rupicapra: Cand. Biol. Diana Becker (SS 2006).
- Dental microwear analysis and determination of food preferences in Chalicotherium grande and Chalicotherium goldfussi: Cand. Biol. Marco Schneuer (SS 2006).
- 06-01-BBIO-WPW-70 Osteological diagnosis of the dental material of the Pleistocene vertebrate localities Lunyemu and Chanyungue Cave (Zambia): Project study 6 SWS, Cand. Biol. Daniela Winkler (SS 2006).
- Ontogenetic gradients in the dental usural pattern of selected primates (3-D Analysed of dental crowns): Cand. Biol. Sven Fraas and Nicole Töpfer (SS 2006).
- Sexual dietary segregation in a population of Alces alces from Scandinavia: Sex segregation in the feeding behaviour of different ruminants is measured and correlated with biometric and habitat data (WS 2005/06; 8 participants).
- Reconstruction of food segregation in a population of Alces alces based on dental usurp gradients - reconstruction of sex segregation in feeding behaviour: (6 SWS, WS 2005/06; 7 participants).