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Tiger Lounge

Directly behind the tiger, at the back of the permanent exhibition, the Tiger Lounge now opens up: a place of tranquillity, bathed in fresh, natural tones. Cosy cushions and books on various aspects of nature are laid out on the levels that merge into one another.

Visitors can take a stimulating break here during their visit to the exhibition. With its flexible stage, the space is also used for a variety of educational and mediation programmes, such as for participants in the evening event series "Feierabendführungen - Spezial" and "Unerzählte Geschichten - Forschung & mehr!".

Animal upcycling artworks by Matthias Garff and Thomas Putze from the Stern-Wywiol Galerie arouse curiosity about the first programme in which packaging waste is used to create something new. From July, the "Bloc Bird" exhibition will encourage visitors to create pictures whose colours and shapes suggest certain bird species.


Crafting - in keeping with the exhibition

Animal upcycling artworks by Matthias Garff and Thomas Putze from the Stern-Wywiol Galerie arouse curiosity about the first programme in which packaging waste is used to create something new. In keeping with this, animals will be upcycled from waste in the Tiger Lounge.

Sunday, 26 April 2025
Sunday, 10 May 2025


From July, the "Bloc Bird" exhibition will encourage visitors to create pictures whose colours and shapes suggest certain bird species. Can you also make birds out of coloured blocks? Try it out for yourself on our dates:

Sunday, 20 July 2025
Sunday, 12 October 2025

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