Extinct 65 million years ago and yet everyone knows them - dinosaurs! Sometimes vegetarians, sometimes predators, large or small: they existed in great variety. The life and death of the dinosaurs are scrutinised using exhibits from the display collection. Individual topics and focal points can be discussed with the guides.
- Kind
Adult group
School class/ youth group
- Target group
4th grade to 13th grade
- Age group
10 to 18+ years
- Number of participants
Maximum 25
- Duration
60 minutes / 90 minutes
- Price 60 minutes
Adult group: € 75.00
School classes and day-care centre groups: € 70.00
Children's and youth groups: € 70.00
- Price 90 minutes
Adult group: € 93.00
School classes and day-care centre groups: € 88.00
Children's and youth groups: € 88.00
- Meeting point
Museum der Natur Hamburg - Geology-Palaeontology
Important notes
Accessibility & inclusion