Insect diversity
Iridescent blue or spotted red, spherical or elongated - insects fascinate with their colours and shapes. The travelling exhibition "Multifaceted Insects" focuses on their diversity. Equipped with six legs, an exoskeleton and a three-part body, they are the most species-rich group of animals - and they can be found almost everywhere in the world.
With their ability to adapt, insects have colonised almost every habitat on earth throughout the course of the earth's history, even those with extreme conditions such as deserts or glaciers. They have developed a wide variety of physical characteristics and behavioural strategies to fend off enemies, feed themselves or mate.
Thanks to their numerous abilities, insects are indispensable for many ecosystems, i.e. the network of relationships between all living creatures and their environment. We also need them for our lives: As pollinators, they ensure good harvests and they help break down manure, carcasses and dead plants.
All over the world, researchers are studying these fascinating animals and their role in ecosystems.