Spark spitting meteorite from papier mâché
Spark spitting meteorite from papier mâché
Photo: UHH/CeNak, Paran Pour
The shaping of the object as a Styrofoam and papier-mâché sphere with a diameter of one meter was no problem for taxidermist Benjamin Frenzel.
Photo: UHH/CeNak, Matthias Preuß
Before that, the meteorite from the Museum of Nature - Geology had to be dismantled - this served as a template for a perfect copy.
Photo: UHH/CeNak, Paran Pour
The preparator quickly had an idea for designing the surface with an exciting structure.
Photo: UHH/Richard Hansen
The challenge lay in the lighting: Here, technical assistant Thure Dalsgaard linked LED strips on the meteorite for the spectacular fire effect.