"Eocene - At the beginning of our world" opened digitally
9 April 2021
Welcome to the digital program of the exhibition "Eocene - At the beginning of our world".
"History does not repeat itself. But we have a responsibility to mitigate these massive changes facing the Earth." With these words, Katharina Fegebank, Second Mayor and Senator for Science, Research and Equality of Hamburg, invites all interested parties to explore the exhibition "Eocene - At the Beginning of Our World." It is a journey back in time to the Middle Ages of the Earth, when tropical temperatures covered Central Europe with jungle. The exhibition opened on April 8 with an extensive digital program.
The Eocene tells of the beginning of our time. After an asteroid wiped out most of life on Earth, mammals and birds took over from the dinosaurs. The exhibition presents contemporary witnesses such as insects encased in amber and a variety of valuable fossils, such as the prehistoric horse and the giant bird Gastornis, and also focuses on the topic of global warming. Says Fegebank, "Understanding the world and Earth's history helps us all take the next steps into the future."
The special exhibition will initially launch digitally and can be visited at the Museum of Nature - Zoology as soon as Corona rules allow.
> Digitalen offers
Katharina Fegebank,
Second Mayor of Hamburg and Senator for Science, Research and
Equality Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Dieter Lenzen,
President of the University of Hamburg
Introduction to the exhibition and thanks
Prof. Dr. Matthias Glaubrecht
Looking back to the future: climate research
Dr. Ulrich Kotthoff, Director of the Museum of Nature - Geology at LIB, explains what we can learn from the Eocene with regard to current global warming.
Guided tour of the exhibition
Dr. Ulrich Kotthoff, head of the Museum of Nature - Geology, and Dr. Viktor Hartung, exhibition conception, present highlights.
Eocene 360°: Virtual tour
With the help of a 360-degree scanning process (Dataport), visitors can click their way through the special exhibition.
An exhibition is being created. A look behind the scenes