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The Museum Makers




  • Runtime

    11.02. until 06.07.2025

  • Location

    Zoological exhibition

  • Type of exhibition

    Special exhibition as part of an exhibition series

Contents of the special exhibition

What happens behind the doors of a research museum - where the exhibition ends and the collection rooms begin; where people explore the diversity of nature with great curiosity, where they prepare animals and plan exhibitions and events for visitors to the museum? What drives them, why did they choose this profession?

In the new exhibition series "The Museum Makers", we introduce people who work at the Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change. We show the areas that visitors don't normally see and invite them to join in.

The series will kick off from 11 February to 6 July with three female scientists who will present their very personal research world at the Museum of Nature Hamburg and describe why they are so fascinated by the cosmos of butterflies, worms and mussels and why their research is important for everyone.

Then, from 14 July to 17 November, we will introduce three members of staff from our collections. Later, we will also show how our taxidermists work, how an exhibition is created and how the Education & Outreach team develops and implements programmes. At the end of the series, we will give a preview of the new Hamburg Natural History Museum.

Contents of the special exhibition

Supporting programme with the protagonists

Contact person

Anne Merker

  • Exhibition conception

Phone: +49 40 238317 926

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